Fields for displaying image metadata

IPTC, EXIF and XMP information

Many image file formats carry extra metadata about the image, included in the image file itself. Common metadata formats are IPTC, EXIF and XMP.

During the ingestion of image files in Aprimo DAM this metadata is automatically extracted for most image file types and stored in the file version information. You can see the extracted metadata by clicking View XML in the Extracted XML data panel:

However, this is not enough to make this information easily available, for example in Assets list view or when searching. To make better use of this metadata you have to create fields that store and display the information you need.

Creating fields to display image metadata

To create a read-only field that shows image metadata, you basically follow the instructions in Creating and modifying field definitions.

The properties below are those properties and settings that are important when creating read-only fields for displaying image metadata:

Data type

Create a separate field for every metadata tag you want to display and/or full-text index.

Available properties

Photoshop File Info

These are the properties retrieved via PhotoshopFileInfo. This reference uses a cascading retrieval system: it checks for a value in the order indicated in the table below, e.g.

if you use this reference in the field default value

<ref:record file="master"  photoshopInfo="Description"/>

Aprimo DAM will first check for a value in XMP metadata of the file, then in IPTC, then in EXIF, and will take the first value it encounters.

If you'd like to use an XMP property not listed below, you can extract it using an XPath query in a file reference.

See Record references for more information about record and file references.

For an overview of the namespace definitions and properties in XMP, see

Property Description Order of checking
Author the entity that created the file. This can be a person, an organization, or a service.
  1. XMP - Dublin Core namespace - Creator
  2. IPTC - Byline
  3. EXIF - Artist
  1. XMP - Dublin Core namespace - Description
  2. IPTC - Caption
  3. EXIF - Description
DescriptionWriter The editor or writer of the description or caption
  1. XMP - Photoshop namespace - CaptionWriter
  2. IPTC - Writer
  1. XMP - Dublin Core namespace - title
  2. IPTC - ObjectName
  1. XMP - Dublin Core namespace - Subject
  2. IPTC - Keywords
  1. XMP - Photoshop namespace - Category
  1. XMP - Photoshop namespace - SupplementalCategories
  2. IPTC - SupplementalCategory
  1. XMP - Photoshop namespace - City
  2. IPTC - City
  1. XMP - Photoshop namespace - State
  2. IPTC - ProvinceState
  1. XMP - Photoshop namespace - Country
  2. IPTC - PrimaryLocationName
CopyrightNotice Typically, rights information includes a statement about various property rights, including intellectual property rights
  1. XMP - Dublin Core namespace - Rights
  2. IPTC - Copyright
  3. EXIF - Copyright
CopyrightStatus Boolean. When true, it indicates that this is a rights-managed resource. When false, it indicates that this is a public-domain resource
  1. XMP - Rights Management namespace - Marked
CopyrightInfoURL A web URL for a statement of the ownership and usage rights for this file
  1. XMP - Rights Management namespace - WebStatement
DateCreated This is the creation date as specified by the user, not the date logged by the camera with which the picture was taken
  1. XMP - Photoshop namespace - DateCreated
  2. IPTC - DateCreated
CameraDateCreated This the date the picture was taken, as recorded by the camera
  1. EXIF - DateTimeOriginal
  1. XMP - Photoshop namespace - Credit
  2. IPTC - Credit
  1. XMP - Photoshop namespace - Source
  2. IPTC - Source
  1. XMP - Photoshop namespace - Headlines
  2. IPTC - Headline
  1. XMP - Photoshop namespace - Instructions
  2. IPTC - SpecialInstructions
  1. XMP - Photoshop namespace - TransmissionReference
  2. IPTC - OriginalTransmissionReference
Urgency Number from 1 to 8
  1. XMP - Photoshop namespace - Urgency
  2. IPTC - Urgency
ImageWidth Image width in pixels
  1. XMP - TIFF namespace - ImageWidth
  2. EXIF - ImageWidth
ImageHeight Image height in pixels
  1. XMP - TIFF namespace - ImageHeight
  2. EXIF - ImageHeight
XResolution Horizontal resolution in pixels per unit
  1. XMP - TIFF namespace - XResolution
YResolution Vertical resolution in pixels per unit
  1. XMP - TIFF namespace - YResolution
CameraColorSpace the color space used by the camera
  1. EXIF - ColorSpace
CameraMake the manufacturer of recording equipment
  1. XMP - TIFF namespace - Make
  2. EXIF - Make
CameraModel the model name or number of the equipment
  1. XMP - TIFF namespace - Model
  2. EXIF - Model
CreatorTool the name of the first known tool used to create the resource
  1. XMP - Adobe XMP Basic namespace - CreatorTool
IPTC codes

RecordVersion = 0,

ObjectTypeReference = 3,

ObjectAttributeReference = 4,

ObjectName = 5,

EditStatus = 7,

EditorialUpdate = 8,

Urgency = 10,

SubjectReference = 12,

Category = 15,

SupplementalCategory = 20,

FixtureIdentifier = 22,

Keywords = 25,

ContentLocationCode = 26,

ContentLocationName = 27,

ReleaseDate = 30,

ReleaseTime = 35,

ExpirationDate = 37,

ExpirationTime = 38,

SpecialInstructions = 40,

ActionAdvised = 42,

ReferenceService = 45,

ReferenceDate = 47,

ReferenceNumber = 50,

DateCreated = 55,

TimeCreated = 60,

DigitalCreationDate = 62,

DigitalCreationTime = 63,

OriginatingProgram = 65,

ProgramVersion = 70,

ObjectCycle = 75,

Byline = 80,

BylineTitle = 85,

City = 90,

SubLocation = 92,

ProvinceState = 95,

PrimaryLocationCode = 100,

PrimaryLocationName = 101,

OriginalTransmissionReference = 103,

Headline = 105,

Credit = 110,

Source = 115,

Copyright = 116,

Contact = 118,

Caption = 120,

LocalCaption = 121,

Writer = 122,

ImageType = 130,

ImageOrientation = 131

EXIF codes

GpsVersionId = 0,

GpsLatitudeRef = 1,

GpsLatitude = 2,

GpsLongitudeRef = 3,

GpsLongitude = 4,

GpsAltitudeRef = 5,

GpsAltitude = 6,

GpsTimeStamp = 7,

GpsSatellites = 8,

GpsStatus = 9,

GpsMeasureMode = 10,

GpsDop = 11,

GpsSpeedRef = 12,

GpsSpeed = 13,

GpsTrackRef = 14,

GpsTrack = 15,

GpsImageDirectionRef = 16,

GpsImageDirection = 17,

GpsMapDatum = 18,

GpsDestinationLatitudeRef = 19,

GpsDestinationLatitude = 20,

GpsDestinationLongitudeRef = 21,

GpsDestinationLongitude = 22,

GpsDestinationBearingRef = 23,

GpsDestinationBearing = 24,

GpsDestinationDistanceRef = 25,

GpsDestinationDistance = 26,

GpsProcessingMethod = 27,

GpsAreaInformation = 28,

GpsDateStamp = 29,

GpsDifferential = 30,

ImageWidth = 256,

ImageLength = 257,

BitsPerSample = 258,

Compression = 259,

PhotometricInterpretation = 262,

Threshholding = 263,

CellWidth = 264,

CellLength = 265,

FillOrder = 266,

DocumentName = 269,

Description = 270,

Make = 271,

Model = 272,

StripOffsets = 273,

Orientation = 274,

SamplesPerPixel = 277,

RowsPerStrip = 278,

StripByteCounts = 279,

MinSampleValue = 280,

MaxSampleValue = 281,

XResolution = 282,

YResolution = 283,

PlanarConfiguration = 284,

PageName = 285,

XPosition = 286,

YPosition = 287,

FreeOffsets = 288,

FreeByteCounts = 289,

GrayResponseUnit = 290,

GrayResponseCurve = 291,

T4Options = 292,

T6Options = 293,

ResolutionUnit = 296,

PageNumber = 297,

TransferFunction = 301,

Software = 305,

DateTime = 306,

Artist = 315,

HostComputer = 316,

Predictor = 317,

WhitePoint = 318,

PrimaryChromaticities = 319,

ColorMap = 320,

HalftoneHints = 321,

TileWidth = 322,

TileLength = 323,

TileOffsets = 324,

TileByteCounts = 325,

BadFaxLines = 326,

CleanFaxData = 327,

ConsecutiveBadFaxLines = 328,

InkSet = 332,

InkNames = 333,

NumberOfInks = 334,

DotRange = 336,

TargetPrinter = 337,

ExtraSamples = 338,

SampleFormat = 339,

SMinSampleValue = 340,

SMaxSampleValue = 341,

TransferRange = 342,

ClipPath = 343,

XClipPathUnits = 344,

YClipPathUnits = 345,

Indexed = 346,

JpegTables = 347,

OpiProxy = 351,

ProfileType = 401,

FaxProfile = 402,

CodingMethods = 403,

VersionYear = 404,

ModeNumber = 405,

Decode = 433,

DefaultImageColor = 434,

JpegProc = 512,

JpegInterchangeFormat = 513,

JpegInterchangeFormatLength = 514,

JpegRestartInterval = 515,

JpegLosslessPredictors = 517,

JpegPointTransforms = 518,

JpegqTables = 519,

JpegdcTables = 520,

JpegacTables = 521,

YCbCrCoefficients = 529,

YCbCrSubsampling = 530,

YCbCrPositioning = 531,

ReferenceBlackWhite = 532,

StripRowCounts = 559,

Xmp = 700,

ImageId = 32781,

Copyright = 33432,

ExposureTime = 33434,

FNumber = 33437,

SubIfdOffset = 34665,

ImageLayer = 34732,

ExposureProgram = 34850,

SpectralSensitivity = 34852,

GpsifdOffset = 34853,

IsoSpeedRatings = 34855,

OptoElectricCoefficient = 34856,

ExifVersion = 36864,

DateTimeOriginal = 36867,

DateTimeDigitized = 36868,

ComponentsConfiguration = 37121,

CompressedBitsPerPixel = 37122,

ShutterSpeed = 37377,

LensAperture = 37378,

Brightness = 37379,

ExposureBias = 37380,

MaxAperture = 37381,

SubjectDistance = 37382,

MeteringMode = 37383,

LightSource = 37384,

Flash = 37385,

FocalLength = 37386,

SubjectArea = 37396,

MakerNote = 37500,

UserComment = 37510,

SubSecTime = 37520,

SubSecTimeOriginal = 37521,

SubSecTimeDigitized = 37522,

FlashPixVersion = 40960,

ColorSpace = 40961,

PixelXDimension = 40962,

PixelYDimension = 40963,

RelatedSoundFile = 40964,

FlashEnergy = 41483,

SpatialFrequencyResponse = 41484,

FocalPlaneXResolution = 41486,

FocalPlaneYResolution = 41487,

FocalPlaneResolutionUnit = 41488,

SubjectLocation = 41492,

ExposureIndex = 41493,

SensingMethod = 41495,

FileSource = 41728,

SceneType = 41729,

CfaPattern = 41730,

CustomRendered = 41985,

ExposureMode = 41986,

WhiteBalance = 41987,

DigitalZoomRatio = 41988,

FocalLengthin35MmFilm = 41989,

SceneCaptureType = 41990,

GainControl = 41991,

Contrast = 41992,

Saturation = 41993,

Sharpness = 41994,

DeviceSettingDescription = 41995,

SubjectDistanceRange = 41996,

ImageUniqueId = 42016,